Live Group program with Anti-Diet Dietitian / Body Image Coach, Mya Kwon

Come join this life-changing journey where you finally heal the years of your dieting trauma, free yourself from the guilt/fear/obsession around food, and build an entirely different relationship with your body that’s based on trust, respect, care, NOT hate and control.

I had been working on this for almost a year by myself and never realized how much help I needed. This program was the extra step I needed on my journey to self-love, body acceptance and healing my life-long disordered eating. Thank you for giving me my life back.”

—Ruth (Colorado)

You’ve tried so hard to accept your body and “listen to your body” with food, but is it feeling doubtful that you’ll never TRULY feel at peace with food+body?

You thought you were done with the exhausting cycle of controlling food and hating your body. 

You had done enough of the counting calories, tracking Weight Watcher points, low-carb keto diets that only kept you feeling obsessed and crazy around food.

So you started following all the anti-diet social media accounts, stopped weighing yourself, tried to move away from the “good vs bad food” mentality, but... 

You STILL feel stuck.

You’re caught in this limbo between:

“I’m done with dieting, but I don’t think I could ever FULLY trust my body with food and actually love myself in THIS body.” 

It’s frustrating because you KNOW how toxic Diet Culture is and you want nothing more to do with it.

You CAN see the beauty in other people’s bodies in different sizes…

EXCEPT yours.

You think Intuitive Eating sounds great….


but you also think: “trust MY body?! Yikes!”

You may no longer be actively "dieting," but you still constantly battle with yourself and definitely don't feel free from Diet Culture that seems to be everywhere.

That annoying inner critic constantly says all the mean things you would NEVER dare say to anyone you love: 

"You’re a failure. 

You have no self-control. 

Your body is disgusting."

If any of this resonates with you,  you’re NOT alone.

And you know what?

It doesn’t mean you’re doomed to stay stuck there forever.

It just means there is deeper level of healing work to do.

Imagine in the next 6 months, you could:

  • Enjoy the donut when you TRULY want it without guilt or feeling stuffed (and can tell the difference from when it’s actually a hug that you need!)

  • Say yes and no “in balance” to both pizza AND salads by listening to your body even without enforcing rules

  • Your body is no longer the scapegoat for your feelings, your worth, your unhappiness as you actually start taking care for these TRUE needs

  • No longer see your body's purpose as to "look good" but appreciate it as a vessel that carries you through life

  • Get to know your true authentic self--align with your TRUE values (NOT Diet Culture’s), what brings you joy, and what you actually need to feel good physically, emotionally, mentally and build those practices!

  • Replace your harsh inner bully and “food police” with a compassionate ally voice that roots for you and helps you make intentional choices

  • Get your mental space and energy back to live your MOST fulfilling and joyful life in TRUE food+body peace!


Payment plans start at $197/month

In clients’ own words:

I say this with so much love, but you can’t do surface level work for a deeper rooted struggle

Making peace with food+body is NOT an “end destination” where you one day “arrive” and then you’re “set.” It’s a continuously evolving relationship.

And like ANY relationship, what builds a strong foundation of ongoing trust, respect and love in your relationship with food, your body, and yourself is by developing a deeper understanding of the root of your struggles, what your TRUE needs are, and practicing meeting those needs from a place of kindness and respect.

So I want to (gently) ask you:

  • How connected are you to your body’s cues (Different levels of hunger, cravings, what leads you to eat when the needs are not actually about food, etc) and do you know what’s making it difficult to respond to them?

  • How well do you understand your body image triggers and how you came to struggle with your body in the first place?

  • How much of your self-worth and identity is tied to your body and why?

  • How much unhealed diet trauma might still be impacting your thoughts and beliefs about food and your body? (These can be deeply ingrained and feel automatic!)

  • How attuned are you to your emotions and how do you care for them?

  • What kind of relationship do you have with yourself? (What is your self-talk like? Is it kind and compassionate or harsh and critical?)

Exploring these questions will guide you to build an unshakable foundation of TRUST with your body to be able to “listen to your body” and “be on the same team” with your body no matter what’s happening in life.

And THAT’S how you get to experience a whole new level of PEACE in your relationship with food+body and with yourself!



Your 6-month roadmap & community of support to Food and Body Peace

This is a comprehensive group program with a combination of weekly dripped online modules + biweekly live calls that include live teachings, as well as opportunities to share your experiences in your healing journey (and witness others’ stories) and receive my guidance for your difficult moments.

The best way I can describe this work is that it’s a beautiful journey of coming home to your body and your TRUE self:

Freeing yourself from Diet Culture, from the need for external validation, from the need to be “good” with food, from the need to find worth from your body/weight.

And I am honored to be your guide.

Live group sessions begin the week of May 6, 2024!

The Nourish + Heal Framework

These are the four main pillars of the areas we will work on together:

Over 6 months, you’ll receive weekly emails introducing the week’s theme and online modules, that will not just be about “learning,” but include specific action steps, worksheets/reflection prompts to help you integrate what you’re learning into YOUR life.

The biweekly live group calls (with replay access) will be a time for learning (I’ll provide summaries of the modules so you can learn even if you didn’t get to them), feel a sense of safe community (SO important to not feel alone in this process!), and to receive both the practical and emotional support you need.

More love from graduates


Hey love!

I’m Mya,

Anti-Diet Dietitian & Body Image Coach

I’m so glad you found your way here with such commitment to your healing.

In the past 12 years of working with women(primarily) of all ages—from teenagers with eating disorders to mature women in their 60s still struggling in the yoyo-dieting cycle—my passion and conviction to fight against Diet Culture and support those seeking to heal their relationship with food and body has continued to grow.

Through the work with my incredibly brave clients and also with my background from spending the first 7 years of my career in a college counseling center alongside incredible therapist colleagues, I’ve came to see what was really at the DEEPEST roots of food+body struggles for many. It was not just about the food or obsession with the “body,” it was a deeper struggle stemming from questions of innate worthiness, unhealed diet trauma, unmet needs (needs for love, safety, connection, security), which all resonated with me deeply to my core. And often those struggles were so much amplified by the feelings of isolation.

So I created the first version of this comprehensive group program 7 years ago to provide that safe space of community and to give you a FULL and COMPLETE foundation to heal your relationship with food+body from the deepest parts of your struggles that can often be subconcious.

Whether you’ve been working on food+body peace for a while OR this is your first time “breaking up” with Diet Culture, this program will help you dig deeper beneath the surface of your struggles, take practical action steps to listen to your body, and to reconnect with yourself and your body’s wisdom that has been there all along.

Here’s to celebrating your next step in your healing journey and embracing the beautiful unique human being you are! 🥂

It would be such an incredible honor to support you

Payment plans start at $197/month

You are SO worthy of your own love, care and respect.


  • Like anything in life, you will get out of this group experience what you put into it. But what I CAN promise you is that if you do commit to the process and fully utilize all aspects of the program by showing up with your heart and willingness to change, you absolutely WILL see life-changing results as so many of my students/clients have.

  • We’re scheduled to begin in second week of May and you will receive email updates and orientation materials before that. Live call times are also yet to be determined (and will be considered based on enrollee’s time zones!), but you will receive replay access to all calls and be able to submit questions in case you cannot attend live.

  • Each week there will be no more than 1 hour total of modules, broken up to 2-3 bite-sized lessons, so it will be easy and engaging to digest! The following actions steps/worksheets can be done in little chunks of time throughout your week so that you are applying it to your own life and see what comes up for when you do! Each live call with be 60-75 minutes each.

  • No! You can download the worksheets and will have lifetime access to the videos lessons for as long as I am in business. And I can tell you this is my life's mission and I'm here for the long haul! :)

  • If you desire to have additional 1:1 support DURING the program, you have an option to add-on 3 one-on-one deep dive coaching sessions with me to use within the 6 months of the program duration! (You’ll see the option at check-out!)

  • 1) Anyone who is not committed to making the time and putting in effort — even if it’s at a slower pace.

    2) If you are looking for a "magic pill" to transform your relationship with food + body overnight, this is definitely NOT for you.

    3) If you are NOT ready to dig deeper within yourself to understand your food + body struggles and heal, ie. practice sitting with difficult emotions, this is probably not for you as the inner work is VITAL to healing and finding peace.

    4) If you are in an active stage of an eating disorder, this program will not be the best fit for you (YET) and I recommend that you seek individualized treatment from a Registered Dietitian and Therapist with specialties in treating eating disorders. If you are in recovery from an eating disorder and feel motivated to solidify your healing journey with deeper body image work and Intuitive Eating, this WILL be the program for you.

  • I’m all ears! Email me at or DM me on Instagram @foodbody.peace!